Policy Forum

Where the meetings world and
public policymakers connect

Focusing on redefining the impact of business events on destination eco-systems—our Policy Forum brings national and city policymakers, association leaders, destination innovators and industry thought-leaders together to discuss and influence the future direction of business events related to policy making and strategic destination management.  

Our collaborators are AIPC, City Destinations Alliance, Destinations International, EIC, ICCA, JMIC, The Iceberg and UNWTO. 

Content overview

There is no cast-iron guarantee of future success for the business events sector: we are not natural high-flyers on the list of policymakers’ priorities; we are often seen as part of the sustainability problem rather than part of the solution; we suffer from frequent bouts of identity crisis in terms of where precisely we fit into the economic landscape.
To chart a path where we can survive and thrive, and more importantly, where we can maximize our contributions to thriving cities and sustainable solutions for the whole planet, we need to start holding uncomfortable conversations, not only with the usual suspects, our industry colleagues and clients, but with sceptical policymakers and with experts who will challenge our assumptions and stretch us to find unexpected solutions.

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Natasha Richards
Natasha Richards
Head of Advocacy & Industry Relations
Charlotte Willie
Charlotte Willie
Partnership & Sponsorship Manager
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